The Trans Brainary Fallacy That Is Actually Real
This is a Satirical post, folks!
Make sure you remember when you’re reading this that I am only talking about the thing I’m talking about and make sure you don’t use your brain and flip it and reverse it, Okay?
FACT: Autistics don’t get humour
MYTH: Autistics don’t get humour
EVIDENCE: Let the truth be revealed by autistics in the comment sections
Stop gatekeeping autism! Anyone can identify as autistic, autism is a spectrum we are all part of! Neurotypicals can be autistic too, you know! It doesn’t matter if I was born neurotypical because it’s about how I express myself and I express myself as an autistic person. It’s bigoted to tell me I’m a neurotypical!
Appropriating autism!
Autistics say I’m appropriating the condition and that it is offensive to identify as autistic if I’m a neurotypical, they say it diminishes their struggles as autistic people with a neurological disability. They say I’m offensive by labeling myself just like them when I don’t know what it’s really like to be autistic. They say autism isn’t an identity you can just put on yourself, it’s a lived experience that only the people who have that neurotype can experience.
They say my expression of being autistic is based on harmful stereotypes of what an autistic person is and that I am perpetuating the narrative that autistics are just body parts that flap for aesthetic purposes rather than it being a necessary function as part of their bodies. They say it’s regressive as it backpedals on the hard earned recognition autistics have gone through to be accepted as equal to neurotypicals in society and not just useless people with only one function, but that they actually deserve the same rights as NTs. But I don’t think being autistic has anything to do with genetics and stuff, I think it’s all about a feeling inside and how you express yourself, so I actually find what they say offensive.
Erodes the definition of autism!
They say by including neurotypicals into the definition of autism it erases the very definition of what autism is and that it erases autistic people’s identities and dilutes their struggles by having neurotypical people claiming their identities like a costume and succeeding in life enabled by virtue signaling by all the big organisations that have bought into.
Dilutes the meaning of autism!
Just because I was born biologically, neurologically and genetically neurotypical doesn’t mean that I can’t become an autistic person. You can’t tell me it’s not literally possible to change my neurotype! Autism is an internal feeling that only the person experiencing it can feel. You’re a nazi if you tell me I can’t literally change my neurotype. I’ve started flapping my hands to signal to others that I am autistic. I’ve started carrying a big plushy teddybear around with me to work and I’ve got a t-shirt that say’s “I’m Autistic, Get Over It!” on it and I’m thinking about getting the autism infinity symbol tattooed on my neck. All these things are what makes someone autistic, it’s just about how you express yourself. Autism is simply an expression of autisminity, it doesn’t matter if you were born neurotypical. Neurotype is a spectrum anyway, there’s no such things as neurotypical and autistic really, it’s just a big spectrum we are all on, and you can prove it by expressing the traits of which one you feel most like. It’s not appropriation at all! It’s real! People need to stop invalidating my expression, it’s so toxic and harmful to people who express autismness. We are all valid and need you to accept it as truth.
Neurological reality!
I implore any neurotypicals to join me in this beautiful self expression and don’t let anyone tell you you’re not autistic. We are the makers of ourselves and anyone who can’t see the beauty in that can go to hell.
Change neurotype!
Whenever I see autistic people advocating for their rights and safe spaces, I go and protest against them and I bring my own handmade signs and wear my t-shirts I bought on Etsy that say “Neurotypes don’t exist!” and “Punch an Autism Advocate!” I think it’s important to tell them to shut up about their rights as autistic people, as if that means anything! (I’ll tell you what it means, it means they hate NTs! It’s a hate crime!)
Neurotypes don’t exist!
I’ve made up my own acronym to virtue signal to others that the people who question us are haters, it’s called ‘NERF’ it stands for Neuro Exclusionary Radical Folk. Don’t let them spread the hate that we can’t be who we want to be! Don’t let them tell us we aren’t really autistic! Don’t let them twist biological, neurological or genetic rights against us! None of it’s real anyway like I told you, it’s all a spectrum and they can’t gatekeep it from us, that’s neurophobic, those fucking NERFs!
There’s loads of us in the movement now that do this and we all carry signs with slogans like “KILL NERFS” just to make sure no one dares to challenge us. We work together round the clock to make sure that any autism advocates that try and gather together to do autistic stuff we are there to make sure they don’t feel safe doing so.
Safe spaces!
Some autistic people identify as neurotypical anyway! It happens both ways you know! People try to tell me that this doesn’t stop them from having autistic disabilities though, like, as if even if you pretend you’re not autistic you are still autistic and you will still struggle with things in a neurotypical world because you can’t just identify out of being autistic. But I don’t agree! I think if you want to be neurotypical and you feel like you were supposed to be neurotypical inside and that the doctors got your neurotype wrong, you can simply declare you are neurotypical and all your autistic struggles will cease to exist! The limitations you feel are only in your mind and society! Don’t be so ableist! Neurotypicals don’t suffer from ableism so if you feel unable to thrive as an autistic just switch your neurotype to neurotypical and it immediately stops! None of it’s real anyway, like I keep telling you! It’s a spectrum, just look through history, look at the old paintings and stuff, it’s obvious there were people born in the wrong neurotypes!
Self declaration!
Sometimes I hear autistic people say they wish they could do certain things, but their autistic brain just can’t figure it out. It sounds like they’re really neurotypicals stuck in an autistic brain that won’t let them do things they clearly want to do. You know doctors get this wrong, like, they assign the wrong neurotype all the time, it’s a scandal! You should re-identify with your true neurotype and declare yourself neurotypical now. The only thing stopping you being neurotypical is society’s expectations of you as an autistic person, but it’s not real, none of it is! Your autistic way of thinking is just trapped inside an autistic brain really, you should start acting more neurotypical, (it’s called masking and so many NTs who are stuck inside autistic brains do this!) It’s up to the world to realise you’re not really autistic and stop treating you as such. It’s terrible that they ‘give you more time to process’ as if you are limited by your brain! God, bigoted or what? As if just because you were born into an autistic brain you are actually autistic. That’s society putting labels on you, there’s no such thing as a neurological reality.
Scientific proof!
Some people argue that there is such a thing as neurological reality. But look at some autistic people, they can understand humour which is a neurotypical characteristic, so it just proves that it is a spectrum. And look at neurotypical people, sometimes they can’t follow instructions well which is an autism characteristic. Just look at high functioning autistics, formally known as Aspergers, they are basically both NT and autistic at the same time, they are proof that you can be both at the same time proving that everyone is a little autistic and we can all just choose which one fits us most. See, it’s just a spectrum we are all part of! People who deny this and say neurology is real are stirring up hate for those of us born into the wrong neurotype.
Masking makes you neurotypical!
Masking literally makes you neurotypical so now you don’t even need to try anymore, you just are NT in all ways now. No more struggling to fit into the NT world anymore, you are literally NT now just by expressing it and so all your autism is gone! You can now do all the things you couldn’t do before! You are no longer limited by a neurotype, it was just a social construct after all, like I told you! To say neuro-stuff has any real impact on your life is bigotry anyway and who would want to say that? It’s limiting the human condition and we are so much more than our bodies and brains! Some people say that looking for a cure for autism is wrong, but look, it’s what they want!
Yay, eugenics! All your autism is gone!
Autistics have fought for years to be recognised and accepted for who they are, shaping the very definition of autism and claiming their identity as something to be proud of for being different. I’m part of the shaping of it now too, showing people that I too, just like any other neurotypical, can be autistic. Stereotypes are harmful to autistics which is why I always make sure I do all the stereotypical things so that people know I really am autistic and not just a faker. I even changed my pronouns to Stim/Stimself to make it extra clear that I am now an autistic person and to help people affirm my new identity and validate my expression of autismism.
People claim that Self Diagnosis let’s people in who are not autistic. There’s no way of knowing which ones are genuine. Guess they didn’t think that through, but that’s not our problem anyway. No harm could ever come from it. It doesn’t matter if the new face of autism isn’t autistic. And the benefits offices should take self diagnosis as legit truth and just give them disability allowances straight away! As if an NT person would ever try and do that! That would never happen!
Did you just mis-neurotype me?!
Autism Speaks is like the biggest organisation and they dictate what all the other organisations can do. You know like on Facebook you can click Like or Dislike, well it’s the same with organisations. If you don’t get enough Likes from Autism Speaks, you don’t pass the big stone wall barrier. And the only way to get Likes is to conform to their rules. Even if it harms your patients. All the autism clinics, like the famous Stimistock Clinic have to get Likes from Autism Speaks to get through the stone wall. This is the wonderful work we have accomplished to make sure that autistics who want to be NTs are supported in their suppression of autism and that they are never given harmful autism diagnoses that would really trigger them. Don’t ever misneurotype an NT-Autie, it’s like deadnaming them and causes distress that they don’t want to address. Doctors know now never to recognise neurotypes anymore cos it’s regressive and acts like people don’t know what their brains are like better than neurologists do.
Conversion therapy!
Autism Speaks has really stepped up to help autistic people become NTs. Autistics used to call them a conversion therapy organisation but they’ve realised now that they are actually helping autistics learn how to demonstrate they are now NTs. And people who’ve learned all the good stuff from them have set up subreddits for NTs who want to become autistic so they can get tips on how to do it. As autistic elders we can show younger generations of autistics that you can deny your own existence with these simple steps. You’ve probably heard of it, it’s called ABA.
Keep autism at bay!
Autism Speaks dictate how all the other establishments and autism clinics deal with autism too. The work they do is so good for autistics. It’s enabling them to be their true authentic selves by climbing over the stone wall of autism and pushing back against it, effectively keeping autism traits at bay. They even give you drugs to help you do this to stop things like stimming. You can even have your arms sewed to your sides so they don’t flap anymore and give you away, because it’s all about repressing your old autistic self that is just a construct anyway and not really real, and helping bring out your authentic inner self that is really NT. It’s amazing, no harm could ever come from this. It’s all been thought through!
You were born in the wrong brain!
Autistics all over the world are praising them and likening it to the time when schizophrenia was seen as shameful because they preferred to talk to imaginary people in their heads rather than the real people they should have been innately drawn to talking to in society and making traditional families with. Talking to the voices in your head was seen as wrong so people tried to stop them doing it, but in the end they realised there was other ways to help them and accept them and not make them feel like they have to hide their innate neurology, and this thing with converting autistics into NTs is exactly like that. But there are some autism advocates who say it was a totally different situation cos they weren’t trying to make the schizophrenics NT, they learned to accept them as schizophrenics and help them live happy fulfilling lives as schizophrenics and living as their authentic schizophrenic selves instead of trying to convert them to NTs. But I don’t see it that way. I think it’s exactly the same as helping autistics realise they were born in the wrong brain and so they should never accept that brain cos it’s wrong. It’s important to always help affirm that they are not autistic therefore they don’t need diagnosis or support for autism, they actually need help to stop being autistic and be more NT.
But unfortunately some people in these organisations and clinics became uncomfortable about stuff they were seeing and started whistleblowing and they’ve really caused a stir and it’s just so wrong, they shouldn’t be allowed to speak about it like that, it’s blasphemy. So don’t listen to them.
It’s really important that you keep autism at bay, and some ppl say the constant masking is hard and that some ppl will still see you as autistic no matter how many steps you take to convert, but they are wrong, it’s easy and breezy and helps you reach pure joy.
So validating!
And it’s the same for NTs transitioning to be autistic. You just have to demonstrate all the steps you’ve taken to be your new autistic identity. It’s especially affirming when profoundly autistic people accept you as one of them and give you all their disability allowances to help you feel validated. They just budge right over so you can take all the prizes, it’s so ethical and moral as it shows there’s just no difference between us at all, we are exactly the same in all ways, infact, sometimes NTs are even better at being autistic than the real autistics and we keep winning First Place in the Profoundly Autistic Disability Awards. It’s such an honour to win these titles cos it just shows that it is totally right and just and everyone is on board and giving us the green light to keep at it and keep speaking on behalf of all autistics everywhere and helping shape the world into a better place. And often, we can just say it better than the autistics cos we’re not non-verbal like them and stuff, our voices have always been bigger and louder and more respected, so we make sure when we come into autistic spaces we keep our big loud voices and don’t be non-verbal like the autistics are known for.
Some people who were born autistic but identified as neurotypical suddenly realise that they’re not really neurotypical like they hoped and they go back to being autistic (we call them DeTransneuro’d). And they’ve started getting into the papers and stuff complaining that it was conversion therapy, but they don’t prove anything cos they were clearly not really true NTs like they thought they were (what silly billy’s!), they probably just did it for attention so we are not going to support them now they’ve ‘come out’ (again!) as actually autistic cos gawd, like they originally ‘came out’ as neurotypical which is why they masked and everything, but now they’ve turned their back on us all and said it was all a mistake and they regret masking and becoming NTs and that they have realised that their true authentic selves is actually autistic just like how they were born. Like, gawd, that is so neurophobic and they should be ashamed of themselves and no one should elevate their voices cos it ignores our existence as authentic autistic neurotypicals and undermines our movement. It just causes unnecessary panic in people, like fucking parents and stuff! Parents seem to really put a lot of emphasis on their kids being autistic and not accepting that they want to be neurotypicals. When parents don’t affirm the new NT identity in their autistic children, they probably need to have their kids taken off them cos they are not safe spaces for their kids. Luckily we’ve helped Social Services and all the big organisations to see this and so we just send them a quick Tweet about the parents and they just come straight in and remove the kids cos we all know that they will likely die under the parents care cos they will just keep telling them they love them as they are and they will always be their beautiful autistic children to them no matter what and that they don’t need to become NT to be happy. The only parents that are good are the one’s that say ‘Yeah, let’s stop all this autistic nonsense at once and turn you into a neurotypical’.
Non-brainary is a cool new term too that has come up from the NoTism community, it means I am neither neurotypical nor autistic, or vice versa, it’s a shunning of all concepts of, like, brains and stuff. It’s a breaking free of the shackles of having a brain that society puts on us from the moment we are assigned a brain at birth. It’s progress in an autonomous new way of not identifying with having a brain at all. Brains are bad for society, they turn us into This or That when really we are It. I think people are just sick of these facts of reality and we don’t want to be part of it anymore, we want a world where we are free of these meaningless terms that society puts on us, trying to put us into neat little boxes. Trying to tell us that if you are autistic you can never be a neurotypical, and telling neurotypicals they can never be autistic. It’s so ableist and gatekeeps neurotypes as if you can just socially construct meaning onto things like brains and other human bits and bobs. Like, it’s just become easier to say that there’s no such thing as brains instead of trying to get people to accept that you can change brains, because people are just too stupid to understand, you know, cos of their brains and stuff. So instead, we just change the definition of brains instead, like change the definition of autism to include neurotypicals and stuff. It means that the definition is broader and more inclusive, rather than the gatekeeping exclusiveness that autistics were trying to put on us to keep NTs out of the definition of autism. But now there is no definitive example of what autism even is anymore so it’s great! We are all autistic now as long as we identify as such. Neurotypes = bigotry. Oh, I might make that one into a t-shirt as well, that’s catchy as fuck. Non Brainary – Neurotypes = Bigotry. OMG that is mint, that is so knowledgeable and you don’t even need a brain to understand it. Neurofucked or what?!
Stop diagnosis!
Anyway, it’s really important we spread the word cos, like, there are kids growing up autistic not realising they can be neurotypical and it’s just so bad. We need to let them know it was just a mismatch between body and brain, something happened where they got mixed up and somewhere out there there is a neurotypical who is really autistic, you just like, got mixed up or something so it’s important to get this out into the world. It really makes me sad that people try to teach us that we can be happy as we are when it’s just so clear we were born into the wrong brains, like this needs to stop, seriously, we cannot learn to love ourselves as we are cos it’s a big mistake, doctors and parents need to stop telling us ‘neurological reality’, it’s just harmful and stirs up hate against those of us who know we are not defined by our brains, or more importantly by how people perceive autistic and neurotypical brains. Like, would you rather a neurotypical kid or a dead autistic? Just affirm us, we really need this, it’s the only thing that can save us. Suicide is really high amongst autistic people, especially undiagnosed or misdiagnosed ‘high functioning’ females, so, like, it’s crucial we become neurotypicals because all our autistic struggles will go away. They were only ever there because society put them on us anyway, it’s not actually to do with being autistic or something. Telling us to accept our neurodiversity and be proud of who we are is just backwards against all the progress we’ve made to become neurotypical, like, it’s so much effort to do all this masking and now you’re telling us it will never actually make us neurotypical! Like, we’ve put our entire lives into this and it breaks us, we’ve tried so hard to be neurotypical, don’t tell us we’re really autistic and that we can’t ever be neurotypical, that’s a harmful social construct that needs to be abolished. No one needs these autism diagnoses to assess support needs, it’s all a lie designed to keep us in a box, telling us we can only ever be who we were born as. Yeah right! I am out of here!
Identity vs Lived Reality!
And people say that when a neurotypical identifies as autistic they benefit from those specially designated provisions for autistics because they are really privileged NTs so they are actually taking away from autistic people, and they say that when autistics identify as NT they don’t benefit at all and that it actually harms them. This is so bullshit! They don’t need ‘autistic accommodations’ because they are really NTs in autistic bodies so they never benefited from those autistic accommodations in the first place. It’s just all part of the Neuroatrical society that tries to keep autistics down. If you simply step out of the oppression it’s gone! And anyway did you not realise how oppressed NTs are?! There was a meme about it, it was dead good.
It’s so hateful to say that when NTs identify as autistic it’s another form of oppression on real autistics that just shows NT privilege. Sure, REAL neurotypicals are not oppressed, but when they identify as autistic they become oppressed.
See? Simple! NTs identifying as autistic helps change the landscape of autistic oppression to give it a new refreshed meaning so you aren’t really oppressed anymore, because now we’re the new oppressed minority. See, you can’t even define the oppression anymore cos it now includes the oppressors! See, it’s so clever and progressive! Sometimes the only things that oppress us are the social constructs of society and so by redefining all these identities in society you remove the oppression. We change the parameters of oppression to include the oppressors themselves! This way we are all the same, so there’s nothing to fight anymore, if you fight us, you’d be fighting yourselves, cos we are exactly the same! The oppressors become the oppressed and the oppressed become the oppressors, it’s common knowledge now that anyone who tries to say otherwise is a bigot and probably a Nazi. So now we can all join together and oppress THEM! Next time some believer in neurotypes pipes up you just censor them and tell them that it’s not real, it’s a construct made up to gatekeep and stuff. They’ll keep trying to use old language like ‘neurotypes’ and ‘disabilities’ but they are just stuck in the old days and haven’t progressed yet so it’s hard for them to see the truth. They can’t let go of this idea about brains and disabilities and people needing to be recognised for their unique differences that stem from these brains and neurotypes. They can’t yet grasp the fact that neurosocioconstructidentities are not really neurology or biology or something scientific. It’s so delusional to think that the brain you’re born into dictates who you are at a neurological level, not that I’m saying I believe in neurology or anything, I’m saying the opposite, that it’s got no grounding in reality how you are born, the doctor assigned you the wrong brain.
Nothing exists!
All we needed to do is change the language so these constructs don’t exist anymore and it ceases to exist. See? There is no “reality” about people and how our brains and bodies have evolved, and now that we have changed the language to represent this, everything falls into place. Now that we’ve changed the definitions of things there is nothing to fight. How can you fight something that you can’t even define? See? It’s fabulous! Autistics don’t need accommodations made for them because that’s a neuro-stereotype. And neurotypicals don’t need to check their privilege cos they’re not NT anymore. What even is privilege? Am I a privileged cos I’ve identified as autistic? No, I’m OPPRESSED because I’m now autistic! Wow, is anybody writing this down cos I think we need to put this into law, we can all agree, it explains away everything.
Inclusivity or else!
Some autistic people get mad at me and say things like I can’t just say I’m autistic when I’m not, but they invented Self Diagnosis! It was them who said self diagnosis is valid! So, like, are they lying or something? I mean, they can’t prove I don’t have autism and I’m disabled by it, all they can do is take my word for it. They say just having traits of autism doesn’t make you autistic and that you need to go to a professional and be assessed to get a diagnosis. But I don’t care what they say, all the other autistics say self diagnosis is valid so I’m validated END OF. I mean, no one needs professionals, just look at how many women and girls get diagnosed autistic these days, it’s not right that the new research can include them but can’t include neurotypicals? How is that inclusive? I’ve actually reported them for a hate crime against NTs. They even had the cheek to tell me that I’m skewing the data on autism by having my NT brain included in the definition of autism. Like, can you believe the audacity? They’re so neurophobic! Like, just budge over for God’s sake we are coming in! Everyone’s a little autistic! Stop misneurotyping me! That’s gaslighting!
Body parts!
Identity first language is important but there are nuances! Like, how actually it’s better sometimes to reduce the person to body parts or symptoms/traits, you know, for progress. So we say things like autism-brain-havers, rather than autistic people. It’s much better this way.
You can even go further and really get down to business by using even more words and language to describe someone, by saying things like havers-of-faces-that-don’t-always-show-the-expected-expression-in-accordance-with-the-actual-happenings-around-them-because-their-face-is-that-of-a-hand-flapper-who-isn’t-comfortable-with-eye-contact.
It’s much more coherent and sensible to refer to each individual like this rather than these strict lines of one-worded definitions that are in the dictionary. I’m really excited to see where this is all headed as it really celebrates the diversity of human existence and really recognises people for their bodily functions rather than just simply saying ‘autistic person’.
Make boundaries illegal!
There’s even been new charities set up like one called Autism Matters (pfft! Unbelievable bigotry! It’s clearly neurophobic!) and there are even Autistic Crisis Centres that are places for autistics to run to for safety when they’ve been abused by NTs who are violent towards them, but they have to let all of us NT-autistic-identifiers in now for purposes of inclusivity, and what we do is, when were all in support group session where the autistics talk and cry about how they have been abused by NTs, we just eyeball them as a way to make sure they know that we know that they accept us during these really traumatic moments and they understand the importance of making sure another NT feels validated and entitled to their space and past their boundaries, cos you know, it helps them realise that we deserve to always be there too. In fact, we’re working on making it illegal for autistics to even set boundaries by changing laws and policies and stuff. It’s commendable work that really paves the way for acceptance and harmony.
It never happens!
Some fake NT-autistic-identifiers love to go into autistic centers and brush their hands up and down their bodies repetitively whilst eyeballing everyone, it makes them feel really tickly inside which they say is great for their newly identified autistic sensory needs. They reach pure pleasure when they get to do this, but some autistic people say they don’t think they really identify as autistic and it might be something else and it makes the real autistics uncomfortable. But luckily with the new laws and policies they are not allowed to put up these boundaries to stop the wrong people getting in, so the NT-autistic fakers are there to stay and pleasure themselves, it’s not harming anyone, it hardly ever happens and it’s got nothing to do with the rest of us so it’s not really our problem. All we do is advocate for self identification so that we can go in because we really do feel autistic, and if anyone is jumping on the back of that that’s not really for us to say. I think everyone should just calm down and stop being so obsessed with what everyone else is doing.
We are taking people and organisations to court if they advocate for autistic people because it is clearly not really about autistic people at all, it’s obviously about neurotypicals not being seen as real autistics, it’s basically genocide against NT-autistic-identifiers.
They say it’s important to differentiate between neurotypes and that it needs protecting in law but we are fighting to change the definition of neurotypes in law so that it becomes meaningless, cos it is meaningless really and it’s bigoted to say autism matters, cos frankly I don’t think it does.
Shut up!
Some teachers in schools are complaining that this ideology is confusing kids and making them think that their bodies and brains are meaningless and stuff, and so when that happens these organisations step in and fire the teachers and ruin their careers so no one wants to hire them again, cos if they did it would make the school look bad. It’s all about censorship you see, and silencing people who don’t agree. Disagreeing is harmful. There is never a good time to talk about things. We call this No Debate and it’s dead good at shutting down conversations. It was even happening in Universities with, like, real professors and academics and stuff. They were trying to talk about it all and saying that discussions are the bread of society and that it’s how we progress, but they’re forgetting that we’ve already progressed and this is the highest you can go so we just stop here now. We don’t need academics anymore because there’s nothing more to learn. Thinking’s bad anyway and can just lead to WrongThink which is basically against the law now, it helps stop people thinking the wrong things by making them never speak out loud therefore what’s the point in thinking it in the first place? We’re all happy where we are right now and if we weren’t you’d have heard otherwise wouldn’t you? So it’s just proof we’re all on board. It’s horrible when you think some people could try and gaslight you. So it’s really important we’ve changed the language around how we talk about things, because it just shows people now that when people try and talk about ‘supporting autistic people’, we all know what they are really saying is that they hate NTs. And it just really breaks free of those echo chambers and makes sure we all know which voices to listen to and which one’s to shut down. It’s become one of the biggest Social Justice Movements of our time and the activists involved are just fabulous, and even the news outlets always refer to people as autistic no matter if they were born neurotypical. Even when NT-autistic-identifiers do something like abuse an autistic, they still get to go into autistic prisons because it’s so important to make them feel autistic at all times. Some of our activists are so radical, they say things like ‘KILL NERFS’ whilst literally using violence against autistic advocates by punching them in the face and stuff, and they like, send them rape threats and death threats to make sure that everyone knows that feeling safe is really important to them.
Autism advocacy is hateful!
There’s a really prominent autism advocate that they call the JoKeR, who has always stood up for autistic rights and they’ve now even said they are appalled at this new Hate Crime law because it protects people who identify as autistic but doesn’t say it will protect actually autistic people, even though autistic people have had hate crimes against them at the hands of NTs since the dawn of time due to having autistic brains which makes them easy prey. JoKeR, the autism advocate, claims to be protecting autistic people and has set up an autistic crisis center and has also donated millions to charities all over the world for decades but it’s clearly hateful and they need to be reported! She used to be a much loved person and everyone said how kind she was always donating to charities and looking out for autistics because she is autistic too and knows what it is like to be abused by NTs. But now we know the truth!
Stop triggering me!
Honestly, I just find the whole thing really triggering so I’m going to have to stop talking about it now but if you wanna chat more come find me on SubReddit or TikTok, I’m never not online. And remember – if you hear about any autism advocates trying to do autistic stuff report it to us immediately and we will go protest it and report them!
Thanks for listening to the Fallacy Forecast brought to you by Neuro Poppins alter ego Dr. Neuro Poopins
Autism Speaks = Stonewall
Schizophrenia = Homosexual
Stimistock = Tavistock
Non-Brainary = Non Binary
Aspergers = Intersex
Drugs to stop stimming = Puberty blockers
Arms sewed to sides = Mastectomies and Breast Binders
Keeping autism at bay = Denying Biological Reality
Profoundly Autistic Disability Awards = Any women's awards, sports, accomplishments etc
Non-verbal = used as a metaphor for women’s voices not being heard
JoKeR = JKRowling
Autistic-identifying-neurotypicals = Trans-identified-people
ND faker = Predatory males who aren’t really ‘trans’ but using the loophole to gain access to single sex spaces
Autism Matters = Sex Matters charity/organisation
Autism Crisis Centres = Rape Crisis Centres
Autism-brain-havers = Chest feeders, Womb havers and Menstruators
Autisminity = Femininity
DeNeuro’d = DeTrans
Misneurotype = Misgender
NTphobic = Transphobic
Autism Rights = Women’s Rights
Autism Advocate = Feminist
Neurological Reality = Biological Reality
Neuroartrical = Patriarchal
NT Privilege = Male Privilege
Self Diagnosis = Self ID/Declaration
Neurosocioconstructidentites = Gender
NT = Neurotypical
ND = Neurodiverse
ABA = Applied Behavioural Analysis (a controversial topic in autism circles, often considered Conversion Therapy)
Masking = A real thing that autistics do to try and ‘perform’ neurotypicality
Burnout = A real thing that autistics suffer from and eventually reach crisis point from trying to be NT and hiding their autism