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Name: Meowzerz
25-34 yrs
White, straight, Asperger's (old dx), (c)PTSD, no trans identity
Diagnosed autistic
What was your childhood and puberty like as an autistic person? Do you relate to today’s youth’s challenges or gender issues? If you grew up in today’s age, how do you think that would affect you and your sense of self? Do you think it’s easier or harder to be a child or adolescent in society today?
Lots of social issues as a child. Puberty, as a girl, was very confusing as I felt too immature at that point (16ish) for the heavy sexualization to occur of my female body. Obviously I developed, but I wasn't a ''young woman'' or sexual yet. This, among other stressors (abuse) contributed to me developing anorexia. (recovered, thankfully!) I think there's tremendous pressure on girls and young women, autistic or not, because as soon as you develop a bit, expectations arise, you become a sexual(ized) being. This can be a lot if you're not up to it yet, especially with porn and perceptions from porn muddying the waters.
In today's age I think the ubiquitousness of porn would've complicated matters a lot more for me, as sexuality in general has turned even more objectifying, misogynistic, degrading and violent.
Why do you think autistic people may struggle with identity issues, like Gender?
Failing to relate to non-autistic peers, social exclusion, not fitting in, proneness to obsessions. Trans (whatever flavor) gives you a clear path of progress and something to aspire to, regardless of how nonsensical in reality, and it may help -I think- with masking and social issues, as your weirdness is now perceived perhaps differently. Not in the sense of being just weird, but in the sense of ''they're trans and that's why they're a bit odd''. It can also offer escapism and a way out, perhaps even a friend/support group, however toxic.
Do you think being undiagnosed autistic can lead people into searching for answers about themselves, and potentially stumbling into the wrong place for an answer? Growing up autistic and feeling different - how do you think this plays into believing you are trans?
Yes and yes. I'm from '91, trans wasn't that much of a thing, and I remember looking up psychiatric disorders and whatnot to figure out what was going on.
Does being autistic affect how you feel about yourself or how others perceive you?
Being autistic definitely does affect how others perceive me, though I think I'm still feminine, just different in other ways.
Interoception definitely helps with understanding myself.
Do you think searching for answers about yourself, and finding out you are autistic, is similar to the trans experience? Do you feel a kinship to trans experiences? What is the difference with our experiences? What age were you when you felt you had developed mentally and emotionally?
Similar to trans? yeah, probably, though I think it'd be more like things falling into place, rather than a desire for (physical) change. But the whole thing of ''so THAT's what's going on!'' I can imagine is quite similar.
I feel little kinship, I can relate somewhat to the dysphoria experience due to having had significant issues with my ED, but other than that, no.
I think I felt developed around somewhere between 23 and 25.
Why do you think the cohort of patients in Gender Clinics has changed so dramatically in recent years and is now mostly young females? And many of them presenting with Autistic Traits?
Social contagion, and sexual dynamics and misogyny turned up to 11. I think this society is incredibly confusing to young girls and women, and I think people use gender identities as a social crutch. As far as I know, it's also fetishism for young girls, to some at least. Maybe they want a sense of belonging, which is difficult in today's society, and be seen as human rather than as a woman.
How did you become Gender Critical? How have you been affected by Gender Ideology? Did something specific cause you to think differently about this topic? How have your beliefs changed? Is Gender Critical Transphobic?
I saw a trans individual express his misogyny, his caricature of what it means to be a woman. It felt fetishistic and sexual, so I read up on what those horrible TERFs had to say. Knowing of AGP was a game changer. Before that, I saw the logical inconsistencies but this was around 2015-17, and up to that point it was still a horrible mental disorder (which I could sympathize with) rather than objective reality (''women can have penises''). It was right around that narrative shift, for me, that it clicked.
GC transphobic? No. They disagree with a misogynistic ideology, they don't advocate violence or unjust discrimination against these people.
Have you lost friends, family, or a sense of community, since being critical of gender narratives? Have you been bullied, trolled, banned etc for being GC? Is GC welcome or tolerated in Autism Spaces?
Bullied, trolled and banned, yes. GC feels very unwelcome in anything autism-related, at least to me. If I express any of these views I'm accepting that others perceive me like Hitler at the Nuremberg rally. I definitely feel (socially) silenced, though I resist that, and I feel literally silenced by Reddit banning us.
Do you struggle to find quality information on Autism and Gender that is not ideological? Do you think the Autism organisations are asking the right questions?
Yeah, and I strongly dislike how autistic women's spaces always have to be accommodating to men.
Organisations asking right questions: absolutely not. If anything, autistic trans people (especially when not done out of fetishism) need to be protected. (I can't say too much about it as I don't really follow a lot going on around autism or autism orgs right now)
Do you think Gender Affirming Care is another form of Eugenics? Have you heard of Spectrum 10k and the backlash from the 'Autism Community' about claims of 'eugenics' and preventing the Autism gene from being passed on (screening pregnancies for autism)? Why do you think there isn't backlash about sterilising autistic children under Gender Affirming Care?
For me, eugenicism suggests a level of purposefulness that I don't think is there. I do think it has detrimental consequences though, for (sexual) health and fertility of autistic people.
No, haven't heard of those, am going to look it up, maybe there's something to it...
Fear, general disinterest, perhaps lack of care because ''they're autistic anyway''
Do you think the Autism Organisations need to acknowledge and take on board The Cass Report? Publicly? Do you find it professional, alarming or suspicious that they haven't?
Yes and yes
How important is an Autism diagnosis, and does it stop being important if someone is questioning their gender? Should Gender Clinics be assessing for Autism if they note autistic traits in patients? Should Autism Specialists be placed in Gender Clinics? Is addressing autism/mental health exploration in gender distressed individuals Conversion Therapy?
All of those are good ideas, and no. Besides, it's disingenuous of ppl to compare MH care with conversion therapy in gay ppl, when being gay doesn't entail dangerous treatments and surgeries. Wanting to prevent surgeries and dangerous hormone therapy isn't ''CT'', that should be common, logical practice.
Do you think it is invalidating to address a patient's possible Autism when in Gender Clinics? If Transitioners find out they are autistic later down the line after transition, can/should the gender clinics be held accountable?
I think autism should definitely be taken into account, and much more so that it's currently. Just like how, say, schizophrenia or depression might impact these choices and feelings, especially when there's an obvious link between autism and GD.
They have a duty to protect their patients from unnecessary procedures. They should definitely be held accountable.
What topics are important to explore to help build understanding regarding Autism and Gender?
Topics: Misogyny, porn and its effects, cult dynamics (such as lovebombing and finally ''having the answer''), vulnerability to predators, also because of greater naivety
What do you think the effects of Gender Affirming Care are on people questioning their gender/distress?
Effects: worsening it, putting them on the track to worse physical and mental health, more social isolation and worse dating options.
I know a TIM, I think it was fetishism, has gone all the way with surgeries and hormones. Had a really stereotypical, misogynistic, fetishistic, bimbo idea of what it means to be a woman.
Another one went to Thailand for surgeries.
I also know a TIF, for about 12 years, who was in transition right around when we got acquainted. Since then, I've never seen her in a sane, non-psychotic state. She's literally always psychotic and suffering from paranoid and other delusions. Also had a ''penis'' installed. God knows who signed off on this. (possibly psychosis from T?)
Several other, less notable ones.
Do you think The Neurodiversity Movement has enabled Gender Ideology? Do you think Gender Ideology appropriates Autism, or other NDs, as a way to legitimise Gender Identities? Do you think Trans belongs under the ND Umbrella? Have you heard of "Autistic Not Queer" or "ND without the T" and what do you think of it?
ND movement enabled Gender Ideology: yes, absolutely.
Appropriation: yes, as they do with everything, from -as you say- ND, to homosexuality, to infertility in women, to being born without a uterus, to having DSD, being a black woman, and so on.
Trans ND umbrella: hard to say, as there are several fundamentally different reasons people turn trans. I think for the vast majority, including women, and almost all men, it's sexual/fetish, so in that case, no. If people have a very severe disorder in how they perceive their physical body, then perhaps. (without it being primarily a fetish) Though honestly, I wouldn't want these ppl under my wing in the slightest, they're a liability in every way.
Last one: sounds good, and nope, hadn't heard from it. Sounds especially good if for women.
What do you think the future of autism politics looks like if you consider and compare “Self Diagnosis of Autism is Valid” & “Self Declaration/ID of Gender Identity”? Do you think Autism is losing its meaning because of Self Diagnosis? Are ALL Self Diagnoser's Autistic? And is it comparable to Sex (Man/Woman) losing its meaning because of Gender Identities? Compare #ActuallyAutistic & #Adult Human Female. Can NTs who identify as Autistic speak on behalf of Autistic people?
Yes, loses some meaning.
And no, not all self-dx are autistic.
Comparable: perhaps, hadn't thought of it like that. It's already per definition less ''binary'' than male/female, as there's an autism spectrum, and symptoms can be experienced so differently depending on the individual.
NTs identifying as AS: hell to the no
Do you think it's OK to allow children to transition? Do you think it's OK to allow adults to transition? Do you think pausing puberty is OK to do? Do you think children can consent? Do you think children are being told the truth?
Very, very rarely, in which case it's a really tough call and not for me to decide (old-fashioned transsexualism with physical dysphoria). If doctors deem it eventually, after years of intensive therapy, the most merciful way for the person, then I leave it up to them. Though, they should never call themselves actually of the opposite sex, and it should be made very clear that they in no way are male/female and that any physical changes are merely to alleviate dysphoria. Meaning, these people would be unwelcome in the private spaces of the other sex, and in no way be treated like the sex they ''want to be''.
No, pausing puberty is detrimental and absolutely insane to do. The physical and mental consequences are utterly irresponsible to inflict.
And no, children are being lied to.
Do you think there is a Social Contagion issue with Gender Ideology?
Does Gender Non Conformity play a role?
Social contagion: absolutely. GNC definitely plays a role.
I think ppl with autism are less conforming to society's social constructs, which are vague, complicated, layered, context-dependent and easy to miss. I don't think their lack of conformity is because of their character, rather, because it's difficult and they ''fail'' at it, harsh as it sounds. On the other hand, gender ideology is clearly defined by stereotypes and easy roles and archetypes to follow. Because it's full of somewhat odd people, it also doesn't enforce these complicated social norms as much as regulars in general society may do.
What current Q&As, or common opinions, are out there that you think need challenging or reframing? (examples: "Autistic people are more likely to be trans" or "Born in the wrong body", "Trans is innate", "Gender is in the brain", "Gender is real", "Autigender", "Neurospicy" etc)
We need to get back to understanding that there are 2 sexes, and that gender identity is a nonsensical ''axis'' to base your entire life, sense of self and identity on. A man can have any personality and hobby, and so can a woman.
And honestly, all of it needs to be challenged or reframed.
The conversion therapy one, also. It's disingenuous.
What information do you think Autistic people, who are caught up in Gender Ideology, need to help them see out of the ideological thinking?
Information: perhaps sensible debate in the first place. They never even get to see a reasonable GC take because of how polarized this has become. Also, girls with autism (and girls in general) perhaps need more support in navigating society and the world.
Do you feel “safe” in “Safe Spaces”?
(This could be Toilets, Changing Rooms, Women’s Centre’s that say “open to anyone who identifies as female”, Dating apps, or it could be places that hang political flags or slogans, like, Trans Flags, Inclusivity & Diversity signage, messages that say “Decapitate TERFs”, “Lesbians love girl dick”, “Respect my pronouns or you’ll be a Was/Were”)
Do you think Gender Critical is included in Inclusivity and Diversity spaces?
Is Gender Critical a Protected Characteristic/Belief where you live?
Nope, don't feel ''safe''. I actively dislike the trans flag, and when I see it I feel unwelcome because it's such a suffocating, hostile, aggressive and misogynistic ideology. Wrt privacy: I want spaces where I can be guaranteed that no man is allowed to walk in.
GC Included: absolutely not, unless as the subject of death threats (''TERFs and nazis'')
And no
Have you always been interested in Women's Matters or Feminism? Do you feel connected to women? Has this changed over time? Has any good come from Gender Ideology?
Can you tolerate and respect differing views and beliefs?
Do you feel your views and beliefs are tolerated and respected?
Were you/are you into Cosplay, Anime or Conventions etc? And what was your experience in these spaces?
No, and none
Do you think comedy is important when dealing with sensitive/hot topics like gender? Should Comedians be censored? Should some topics or demographics of people be exempt from being discussed in different contexts, like comedy? Are discussions and debates necessary when dealing with societal topics and politics?
Yes, definitely no, absolutely not, and yes
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