Joe S.
United Kingdom
Diagnosed autistic
What was your childhood and puberty like as an autistic person? Do you relate to today’s youth’s challenges or gender issues? If you grew up in today’s age, how do you think that would affect you and your sense of self? Do you think it’s easier or harder to be a child or adolescent in society today?
I had trouble fitting in with my peers and from the age of 9 onwards, began to experience severe discrimination and bullying for being different from others. This continued through my teenage years and through to adulthood.
I relate to today's youth's problems, as I had a lot of interests and character traits considered atypical for males in my childhood and teens, and never fit in well with 'the lads' in my age group. It is quite possible that had gender ideology been around at the time, I would have been susceptible to it. I think today's youth have it particularly tough, for although Autism is more widely recognized, it is largely treated as a 'cool' identity label as opposed to a medical condition, and is treated as a monolith with a set of expected behaviours and thought patterns, in line with general identity politics. I feel identity politics and labels are likely to lead to severe anxiety and mental health problems among genuinely Autistic youths today. So despite the wider recognition of Autism, I am frequently glad I grew up during the time I did and not in today's era.
Why do you think autistic people may struggle with identity issues, like Gender?
Autistic people often feel a sense of displacement or alienation from their surroundings, and so cults like Gender Ideology, which at first seem alluring and comforting, can give them a false sense of security, confidence and comfort, or a sense of having 'found one's tribe'. It is only when they are a lot deeper into the belief system that it becomes clear this is greatly superficial, but by then they are often in too deep to admit this and face the truth, thus coming to believe the problem is with themselves or with a 'transphobic' and non-accepting society, rather than facing the fact they have been brainwashed by a pseudoscientific ideology that, like all cults, cannot deliver on its promises.
Also, Autistic people have a stronger likelihood of having gender non-conforming personality traits, thus rendering them more susceptible to being persuaded they are 'trans' or in the wrong body.
Do you think being undiagnosed autistic can lead people into searching for answers about themselves, and potentially stumbling into the wrong place for an answer? Growing up autistic and feeling different - how do you think this plays into believing you are trans?
I think it can be extremely dangerous for an Autistic person not to be diagnosed Autistic - in my own experience, as I had not been diagnosed and did not realize the reason I was struggling in my teens and young adulthood was because I was Autistic, I thought I was struggling because I was stupid and grew up believing there was a fundamental problem with myself that I should seek to correct. I did indeed search for answers about myself and wound up stumbling into the wrong places - in my particular instance, into New Age cult beliefs that did no favours for my mental health. I think a lot of Autistic youths today, both diagnosed and undiagnosed, are having the same experience and stumbling into the gender cult as a result.
To add insult to injury, Woke Ideology has popularized the idea that Autistic people are less vulnerable to cult brainwashing because they are more 'clued up' and aware of reality. This has not only persuaded many Autistic youths that they cannot possibly be wrong in their support of/adherence to the trans cult, but has given them a false sense of superiority over neurotypical people. This is a dangerous idea to buy into, as studies have shown that Autistic people are just as vulnerable as anyone else to cult beliefs, in some ways more so.
Do you think searching for answers about yourself, and finding out you are autistic, is similar to the trans experience? Do you feel a kinship to trans experiences? What is the difference with our experiences? What age were you when you felt you had developed mentally and emotionally?
I do not feel it is 'similar to the trans experience' because 'trans' is a mere fiction, whereas Autism is a reality. Autism is a biological trait, whereas 'trans' is a corporate cult fiction built around regressive sex stereotypes, misogyny and homophobia.
I do not feel I reached full mental and emotional development until my mid-30s, having struggled greatly before then, not realizing Autism was the reason for many of the difficulties I grappled with.
Why do you think the cohort of patients in Gender Clinics has changed so dramatically in recent years and is now mostly young females? And many of them presenting with Autistic Traits?
The corporate bodies funding trans ideology and pushing its promotion in schools, universities and mainstream media have taken hold largely in the last 11 years, having become particularly persistent in 2013 (see Jennifer Bilek's book Transsexual, Transgender, Transhuman for details). Simultaneously, while promoting the message that biological sex is a mere social construct and that humans can be born in the wrong body and must change their bodies to achieve true happiness, these corporations have also made pornography, BDSM and Kink/Fetish more mainstream. Young girls are therefore shocked and disturbed by the objectification of the female form and the expectations of submissiveness and an inherent inferiority to males. This causes them to disown their female bodies and feel compelled to reject 'femininity/womanhood' by adopting non-binary or trans identities and undergoing surgery, drugs or both to change their bodies.
How did you become Gender Critical? How have you been affected by Gender Ideology? Did something specific cause you to think differently about this topic? How have your beliefs changed? Is Gender Critical Transphobic?
Initially I sympathized with 'trans rights' when I was under the impression it was a civil rights movement to achieve equality and acceptance for transsexuals. When I realized, following social experience and various media articles I read, that we were being expected to deny material reality to validate identities based on stereotypes, rooted in misogyny and homophobia, and to refuse to comply was considered 'far right bigotry', I was shocked and realized I was fully on the side of the women who were being labelled 'TERFs', whom others had told me were evil and full of hate.
After I reached 'Peak Trans' I differentiated between members of the gender cult and the transsexuals who are on the Gender Critical side, and feel exploited and misrepresented by the cult. Although I still have respect for these people who are on the side of reality and women's rights despite their 'transition', further exploration of the history, philosophy and science behind so-called 'transsexualism' has brought me to the conclusion that 'sex change surgery' should not be legal or encouraged, can only ever be a superficial solution to mental health problems, and it is the fact it was legalized in the first place that has led to the current trans mania.
The term 'transphobia' is a misleading term for a non-existent prejudice and is often used by activists and cult members as an easy way to attack and dismiss perfectly legitimate criticism of Gender Ideology.
Have you lost friends, family, or a sense of community, since being critical of gender narratives? How have people around you reacted to you being Gender Critical? Do you feel your voice has been silenced? Have you been bullied, trolled, banned etc for being GC? Is GC welcome or tolerated in Autism Spaces? How do you think this affects you, or people in the spaces?
I have lost several close friends as a result of Gender Ideology, some going as far back as 20 years or more. Other people have distanced themselves from me after finding out I am Gender Critical, and I have been barred from a club night after the people running it found out I do not share their belief in 'gender identity'. As well as being trolled by strangers, I have also received abusive messages out of the blue on social media from casual acquaintances after they have seen me 'like' Gender Critical posts and comments. I have been subject to mass unfriendings on social media after some of these people DMed mutual acquaintances on their friends lists to 'warn' them I am GC and tell them to unfriend me.
I have, in the meantime, formed bonds of closer and more real friendship with other people who are Gender Critical, and know several people, mostly women and gay men, who are also Gender Critical but are afraid to speak about it openly for fear of career ruin, social ostracization and harassment/threats.
Most Autism spaces are structured around identity politics and thus it is assumed in these spaces that all Autistic people will be supporters of Gender Ideology. This is extremely dangerous as it means these alleged support groups are little more than cults and can do no real favours for people on the spectrum. This can result in tremendous loneliness and mental health problems for Autistic people who do not subscribe to Gender Ideology. There needs to be far greater awareness and acceptance of Gender Critical views among Autistic people, and more support groups specifically geared towards Autistic people who are GC.
Do you struggle to find quality information on Autism and Gender that is not ideological? Do you think the Autism Charities and Organisations are speaking about the effects of Gender Ideology on autistic people? Do you think the Autism organisations are asking the right questions? Do you have confidence in the Autism Organisations?
To my understanding, most of these organizations are affiliated with Stonewall and other corporate bodies promoting Gender Ideology, and are therefore completely subservient to the teachings of the gender cult. Therefore I think these organizations are doing more harm than good and have no confidence in them.
Do you think Gender Affirming Care is another form of Eugenics?
I think it is a form of Eugenics and is considered by the corporate powers at the top - specifically Martine Rothblatt and other members of the Transhumanist movement - to be 'an on-ramp to transhumanism'. Criticism of this practice has been equated with right-wing bigotry and as such, many people, especially public figures, are afraid of the potential repercussions of public backlash on themselves.
Do you think the Autism Organisations need to acknowledge and take on board The Cass Report? Publicly? Do you find it professional, alarming or suspicious that they haven't?
Yes I do, and it raises severe red flags that they have chosen to ignore the Cass Report and attempt to discredit it, proving they are devoted to the promotion of Gender Ideology and not to the actual wellbeing of people with Autism.
Is addressing autism/mental health exploration in gender distressed individuals Conversion Therapy?
If 'sex change surgery' is to continue, then all individuals considering it should be subjected to a full evaluation of their mental health, and other treatments i.e. talk therapy should be undertaken first - 'transition' should only be approved as an absolute last resort. However, studies and observations strongly suggest there is no long-term benefit to this form of surgical practice and so what we should really be doing is looking to abolish Gender Clinics, 'sex change surgery' and the concept of 'transsexuals/transgender' altogether.
Addressing Autism/Mental Health exploration is certainly not 'conversion therapy' - no human is biologically 'trans' so the idea of 'trans conversion' is illogical and unscientific - on the contrary, 'transition' surgery is itself frequently a form of gay conversion therapy.
What topics are important to explore to help build understanding regarding Autism and Gender? What are your insights/experiences with Autism, Gender, Sexual Orientation, Masking, Social Differences, Societal Perceptions, Identity, Alexithymia, Dysphoria, Autism Spaces/Community, Comorbid conditions, Sensory Processing, Mental health, OCD etc. And what role do they play in developing understanding about yourself/gender issues?
Transsexualism/Transgenderism' initially came about as a way of 'fixing' homosexuality and quickly evolved into a way of enabling heterosexual men with Autogynephilia (aka Transvestic Fetish) to live their fetishes in public and force others to comply with them. The connection of fetishes to 'transsexualism' cannot be understated, especially as even gay men who 'transition' due to internalized homophobia frequently adopt a sexualized image of 'femininity'. Sexuality and sexual practices are the building blocks of the philosophy of transgenderism, and as such, Autistic people who are homosexual or unsure of their sexuality are extremely vulnerable to it. Autistic people are also more likely to have unconventional sexual fantasies or fetishes, which although often harmless in themselves, can easily become conflated with pseudoscientific notions of sexual identity or lead an Autistic person to experiment with cross-dressing or assume they are 'trans'.
What do you think the effects of Gender Affirming Care are on people questioning their gender/distress? What are your experiences with talking to Therapists or other professionals about Autism and Gender?
I have had a therapist push 'Gender Identity' on me even though the issues we were talking about in our sessions had nothing to do with this. She had repeatedly sent me material relating to this despite it having no relevance to our sessions, and I had to politely ask her to stop and explain I was not interested in this material. A great many therapists are believers in Gender Ideology and see their therapeutic practice as a form of political activism. It can be very difficult to find a therapist who does not subscribe to Gender Ideology or who one can feel comfortable openly discussing Gender Critical views with. The widespread adherence of therapists to Gender Ideology needs to be addressed as this can have very damaging consequences on clients' mental health, particularly Autistic people, and result in therapy being completely counterproductive. It is vital that more therapists should be able to be openly Gender Critical and be available for GC people, and resources created for people to find GC therapists, so clients can feel secure that the therapist does not subscribe to Gender Ideology and is able to give them support as a Gender Critical person who may be experiencing difficulties in their life due to the prominence of the gender cult.
Do you think The Neurodiversity Movement has enabled Gender Ideology?
Autism is being dangerously conflated with trans identities and this can only be harmful. Anyone who is genuinely acting in the interests of Autistic people will take a Gender Critical approach, for promoting Gender Ideology can have no positive effects on the wellbeing or psychological health of Autistic people.
What do you think the future of autism politics looks like if you consider and compare “Self Diagnosis of Autism is Valid” & “Self Declaration/ID of Gender Identity”? Do you think Autism is losing its meaning because of Self Diagnosis?
I think Autism has lost a great deal of its meaning due to self-diagnosis. It has been reduced from a medical diagnosis to a 'cool' and fashionable identity label, often boiling down to someone simply being 'a little quirky' or choosing to jump on board with a trend. Supposedly 'progressive' parents and public figures also often treat having an 'Autistic child' as a status symbol, similar to having a 'trans child'. I have personally experienced numerous instances of people falsely claiming to be 'Autistic' purely to excuse antisocial behaviour and bullying, and to manipulate others into giving them what they want. I have come to be suspicious of people who tell me they are 'Autistic' immediately upon meeting them, as in all cases I have experienced, they have turned out to fall into the latter category. The majority of self-diagnosers are probably not Autistic and self-diagnosis should not be encouraged.
Do you think it's OK to allow children or adults to transition? Do you think pausing puberty is OK to do? Do you think children can consent? Do you think children are being told the truth?
The 'transgender child' is a capitalist scam construct to enable the mainstreaming of Trans Ideology and the legitimation of adult male fetishes. Puberty blockers are highly dangerous and have lifelong damaging consequences. Telling a child they are 'trans' and allowing either social or medial 'transition' is a form of child abuse and should be illegal. Although many adult transsexuals live respectable lives, acknowledging they have not literally changed sex and respecting women's rights, we should be working towards outlawing 'sex change surgery' altogether for both adults and children.
What information do you think Autistic people, who are caught up in Gender Ideology, need to help them see out of the ideological thinking? What do you think it will take for a shift to take place in autism spaces?
I think they need to be taught Critical Thinking, and how to deprogram themselves from cult belief systems. Learning about how and why 'gender ideology' is an unscientific concept, and the history of how the concept of this was formed as a money-making measure rooted in homophobia and misogyny, will likely help them to eventually see through the Trans Delusion.
In order to bring down Gender Ideology, there needs to be a massive cultural uprising against the trans movement on a gargantuan scale, and I am not certain what will bring this about, although it is possible that lawsuits from Autistic people who had 'transition' forced on them by the medical authorities may play a role.
Do you feel “safe” in “Safe Spaces”? Do you think Gender Critical is included in Inclusivity and Diversity spaces? Is Gender Critical a Protected Characteristic/Belief where you live?
Although I am male and not threatened by the gender cult in the manner that women are, I find dating apps uncomfortable as a great many users of these have pronouns by their names and it tends to be automatically assumed that users will subscribe to Gender Ideology. Openly stating that you are GC on a dating app can result in harassment and sometimes even a ban from the platform.
Seeing the trans flag around town, on billboards, vehicles etc, makes me uncomfortable as it is promoting misogyny, homophobia, and rape culture directly in the public eye.
Diversity and Inclusivity spaces are little more than cult spaces and are extremely disciminatory and exclusionary of anyone with GC views.
Is the Trans Rights Movement similar or dissimilar to The Gay Rights Movement? Do you attend Pride Events? What do you think about 'Kink' being added into Pride Events? If your feelings about LGBTQIA+ or Pride Events have changed, roughly when did this change happen? What caused you to feel differently?
The trans movement is nothing like the Gay Rights movement. Gay Rights was based around acceptance of homosexuality, which is a biological and immutable trait, and it did not infringe on the rights of other demographics nor demand the entirety of society and language restructure itself around the demands of a small minority. The 'trans' movement is not only unscientific and intolerant, but also greatly homophobic and undermines all the achievements of the Gay Rights movement, regressing to old-fashioned homophobia. The 'T' and all subsequent letters should not be included as part of the LGB acronym for they run entirely contrary to the needs of LGB people.
I used to attend Pride events but no longer do since the trans takeover of the Pride movement. Kink and Fetish should not be considered part of the Pride movement and should be kept behind closed doors and not paraded out in the street. Pornography in general should be criminalized and there should be widespread education on the dangers and harms of the consumption of pornography as well as the porn industry.
Do you think gender ideology frees people from gendered stereotypes or reinforces them? Why do you care about Women’s Rights or Single Sex Spaces? What do you think the public thinks Trans Rights means? What do you think a solution could be that provides for both Trans Rights and Women's Rights?
Gender Ideology completely reinforces sex stereotypes, and thus undermines and infringes on women's rights and gay rights. Women are entitled to their human rights and single sex spaces without the fear of men infringing on them.
A lot of the public are still under the impression that 'Trans Rights' is merely a civil rights movement for transsexuals and thus express support for it without realizing it is in fact a dangerous cult they are supporting that enables rape culture and the abuse of children. Here in the UK, a great deal of the mainstream public were misled by the character of Hayley Cropper in the TV soap Coronation Street, a character who played a large role in mainstreaming the idea of transsexualism in the minds of the British public while portraying a seriously inaccurate, unrealistic and misleading depiction of a male-to-female transsexual. This has done tremendous harm and massively enabled the trans cult's hold on the British public.
There is no solution that provides for both Trans Rights and Women's Rights as the former run completely contrary to the latter. 'Trans Rights' should be seen for what they are - not a civil rights movement but a cult ideology demanding extra privileges for a small subset of people, enabling men with fetishes to dominate the public sphere, parade their fetishes in public and infringe on women's rights, enabling rape culture and easier access to children for paedophilic men.
Have you always been interested in Women's Matters or Feminism?
As a male I have always supported women's rights and been vocal about this, striving to treat women with dignity, equality and respect. Throughout my adulthood, most of my closest friends have been women, and many of them are currently feeling threatened by Gender Ideology.
Can you tolerate and respect differing views and beliefs? Do you feel your views and beliefs are tolerated and respected?
I am tolerant and accepting of different views and beliefs as long as they are not harmful or prejudiced. The society we currently live in enforces groupthink and views disagreement as a form of attack, and this has caused mass segregation and division throughout society.
Do you think Trans is a real thing, that Gender exists, or that it is Psychological or Mental Health Condition/Disorder or a Trauma Response? Or something else?
Gender' is a social construct based on sex stereotypes, and 'trans' is a complete fiction. People are led to suffer mental illness and mistakenly believe they are 'trans' due to the enforcement of stereotypes, misogyny, homophobia and peer pressure.
Do you have any recommendations/links to Videos, Podcasts, Websites, Forums, Groups or Influencers etc that you would like to share?
Maria McLachlan's YouTube channel - - is an extremely valuable Gender Critical resource that could be very helpful in enabling former supporters of Gender Ideology to break out of the Trans Delusion.
Joe has done a previous interview before where he discusses Autism, Life and Gender - read it here
Join the debate & Share you views in a Gender Critical Autistic Voices INTERVIEW
Great to read such an intelligent commentary on the outrageous and harmful gender scam.